
目前,利率接近历史低点.  As such, you might be thinking of purchasing a home or refinancing the one you have.  But with so many different 按揭贷款种类, which do you chose?  而且,就像房屋一样,抵押贷款也有多种规模和类型. 

As 财务顾问, below are some of the more common 按揭贷款种类 we see clients use. 



顾名思义, the interest rate on a fixed-rate mortgage remains the same throughout the life of the loan. Your monthly payment (consisting of principal and interest) generally remains the same as well. The entire mortgage is repaid in equal monthly installments over the term (length) of the loan. 出于这个原因, fixed-rate mortgages often appeal to individuals with a low tolerance for the risk associated with fluctuating monthly payments. 固定利率抵押贷款的通常期限是15年和30年.


用ARM, 也叫可变利率抵押贷款, 你的利率会定期调整, rising or falling to keep pace with changes in market interest rate fluctuations. 因为你的抵押贷款期限是不变的, the amount necessary to pay off your loan by the end of the term changes as your loan’s interest rate changes. Thus, your monthly payment amount is recalculated with each rate adjustment.

取决于抵押合同的具体规定, ARM可以每半年调整一次, 季度, 甚至是每月一次, 但大多数都是按年调整的. The adjustments are made on the basis of a formula specified in the mortgage contract. 调整利率, the lender uses an index that reflects general interest rate trends, 比如一年期国债指数, and adds to it a margin reflecting the lender’s profit (or markup) on the money loaned to you. 因此,如果索引为5.75%,加价是2.25% ARM利率是8%.

What’s to keep the interest rate from going through the roof–or, 就此而言, 从地板上跳下来? 大多数ARMs都规定了利率上限. The periodic adjustment cap may limit the amount of rate change, 向上或向下, 允许在任何单一调整期间. A lifetime cap may indicate that the interest rate may not go any higher–or lower–than a specified percentage over–or under–the initial interest rate.

The initial interest rates (referred to as teaser rates) on ARMs are generally lower than the rates on fixed-rate mortgages. An ARM may be a good option for an individual who can tolerate uncertainty in his or her mortgage interest rate and fluctuations in his or her monthly mortgage payment amount or plans to live in his or her home for only a short period of time.


混合武器 are mortgage loans that offer a fixed interest rate for a certain time period (3, 5, 7, 或10年), 然后转换成1年期的ARM.

The initial fixed interest rate on a hybrid ARM is often considerably lower than the rate on either a 15-year or 30-year fixed-rate mortgage. The longer the initial fixed-rate term, 然而, the higher the interest rate for that term will be. 一般来说, even the lowest of these fixed rates is higher than the initial (teaser) rate of a conventional 1-year ARM.

混合武器 are ideal for individuals who plan to stay in their homes for a short period of time (3 to 10 years) since they can take advantage of the low initial fixed interest rate without worrying about how the loan will change when it converts to an ARM. If you think your plans may change or you are planning on staying put for a while, 寻找带有转换选项的混合ARM. This option will allow you to convert your loan to a fixed-rate loan before it turns into an ARM.


一般, government mortgage programs offer mortgages insured and/or guaranteed by agencies of the federal government. 这些类型的抵押贷款的一些优点包括:

  • Fixed interest rates that are lower than those offered by conventional loans
  • 很少或根本不需要首付
  • 没有传统贷款那么严格的资格规定


Federal Housing Administration (FHA) mortgages are similar to conventional fixed-rate mortgages, 除了他们有联邦政府的保险. 联邦住房管理局的按揭贷款可能只允许首付3美元.5%.  记住, 然而, that FHA贷款 require borrowers with down payments of less than 20% to pay mortgage insurance premiums.

提示: FHA mortgage amounts are limited, and the maximum loan amount varies among geographic regions.


The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) mortgages are similar to conventional fixed-rate mortgages. VA mortgages are available to qualified veterans and their surviving spouses.

VA贷款限额因地区而异. 一般, a lender will offer a VA loan equal to four times a veteran’s available entitlement (provided certain underwriting requirements are met). 目前,退伍军人的基本福利是3.6万美元. 你可以访问http://benefits.va.获取更多信息.


For 2019 a jumbo loan (also known as a non-conforming loan) is any mortgage over $484,350, 或者超过726美元,525在高成本地区, 单户住宅或共管公寓. This figure is set by the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac) and is adjusted annually. 巨额贷款 are called non-conforming loans because these organizations will not underwrite them, 对贷款人来说风险更大. 结果是, lenders often set their jumbo loan interest rates higher than conventional mortgage rates.

If you’re just over the underwriting limit for conforming loans and are having to consider a jumbo loan, you might want to either look for a less expensive house or consider increasing your down payment in order to qualify for a conforming loan with a lower interest rate. Over the life of your mortgage, a lower interest rate could create significant savings.

在关闭, with several 按揭贷款种类 to choose from the type of mortgage that is right for you will depend on many factors, 比如你能负担多少钱, 你的风险承受能力, 以及你打算在家里待多久.  你掌握的信息越多越好.

At 365asia亚洲官网我们是收费的 财务顾问. We seek to bring clarity and purpose to wealth through authentic and enduring relationships. 对生活.




